Commit to pray for Chinese Christiansduring the 2022 Olympics in Beijing
As the eyes of the world turn toward Beijing and the XXIV Olympic Winter Games, will you join with believers all across the globe to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters suffering persecution at the hands of China’s Communist government?
Add your name below to join with those committed to pray for persecuted Christians in China each day during the Olympic Games.
Where People Are Praying
What It Means To Follow Christ In China

In the early 2000s, many unregistered churches enjoyed some freedom from government intrusion and harassment despite their illegal status. In recent years, however, oppressive religious regulations and persecution have increased significantly, led by and controlled from the national government in Beijing.

Hundreds of churches have been forced to close, pastors and church members have been arrested or detained, and the online sale of Bibles has been prohibited. A campaign to remove crosses from churches continues in one province. The government has installed more than 170 million facial recognition cameras, many in or near churches, in an effort to identify those who attend worship services.

Church leaders are under intense pressure to join the government-controlled Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), the state-sanctioned protestant church organization. Authorities pressure Christian parents by refusing their children an education, and even the grandchildren of Christians are often denied schooling. It is illegal to disciple anyone younger than 18. Christians are often charged with participating in cults or with other spurious accusations, such as “bad business practices” or “intent to undermine the state.”
Access To Bibles

Those living in rural areas have little access to Bibles and usually cannot afford them even if they are available. Bibles can be purchased at some bookstores operated by the TSPM, but rarely in significant quantities. The Bibles that VOM and other frontier missions organizations distribute each year have only begun to meet the massive need.
Five Ways You Can Pray For Chinese Christians During the Olympic Games
- Pray for pastors and church leaders to stand firmly for biblical truth in spite of government pressure to compromise.
- Pray for the encouragement of Chinese believers and that they will experience unity and fellowship as members of the body of Christ.
- Pray for Christians in prison. Pray for God’s protection over them, for their health and nutrition, and that they will have opportunities to witness for Christ to guards and fellow prisoners.
- Pray for the spread of the gospel among participants in the games and among local, provincial, and national Communist Party Leaders.
- Pray for the safe distribution of Bibles in every part of China.
I commit to pray for Chinese Christians daily during the Olympic Winter Games.